
Aug 9

In vitro functional response of human tendon cells to different dosages of low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field


By Orthopaedic Biotechnology Laboratory, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Via R. Galeazzi, 4, 20161, Milan, Italy Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy,  IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milan, Italy,  IGEA SpA, Clinical Biophysics, Carpi, Italy,  Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy Sport Traumatology Unit, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milan, Italy,  IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, San Donato Milanese, Italy,  Orthopaedic Department, Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milan, Italy
Aug 9

Effects of static magnetic and pulsed electromagnetic fields on bone healing


Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg 1997;12(1):43-53::/publication_name::
Darendeliler MA, DarendelilerA, Sinclair PM.
Discipline of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney, Australia.::/authors::

Aug 9

Influence of 1 and 25 Hz, 1.5 mT magnetic fields on antitumor drug potency in a human adenocarcinoma cell line


Bioelectromagnetics 2002 Dec;23(8):578-85::/publication_name::
Ruiz-Gomez MJ, de la Pena L, Prieto-Barcia MI, Pastor JM, Gil L, Martinez-Morillo M.
Laboratory of Radiobiology, Department of Radiology and Physical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaga, Teatinos, Malaga, Spain.::/authors::

Aug 9

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation induces active coping strategies and attenuates the neuroendocrine stress response in rats


J Psychiatr Res 2000 Jul-Oct;34(4-5):265-76::/publication_name::
Keck ME, Engelmann M, Muller MB, Henniger MS, Hermann B, Rupprecht R, Neumann ID, Toschi N, Landgraf R, Post A.
Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Kraepelinstr. 2-10, 80804, Munich, Germany.::/authors::

Aug 9

Effects of a pulsed electromagnetic therapy on multiple sclerosis fatigue and quality of life: a double-blind, placebo controlled trial

Evidence from this randomized, double-bind, placebo controlled trial is consistent with results from smaller studies suggesting that exposure to pulsing, weak electromagnetic fields can alleviate symptoms of MS.


Altern Ther Health Med. 2003 Jul-Aug;9(4):38-48.
By Lappin MS, Lawrie FW, Richards TL, Kramer ED.,  Energy Medicine Developments, (North America), Inc., Burke, Va., USA